“For me personally, I think I was most attractive when I was thinner and younger. As I have gotten older and bigger, I tend to criticize myself more when I look at pictures. This isn’t true of other people. Attractive is more in the way people hold themselves.”
Shy since she was young, coming out of her shell has been an overall life accomplishment for Linda. Even though she still identifies as an introvert, she now finds it easier to start conversations with strangers or ask people for help. Linda is now working on seeing herself as beautiful and worthy, especially upon reflection on her life accomplishments of the variety of tasks she has done – and continues to achieve. A solution-focused individual, one of Linda’s current-day accomplishments is managing her own accounting business.
Along the way, she has learned to be good at pivoting with life, as many curveballs have been thrown her way. When she was not admitted to her first college of choice, it led to a string of events that ended in meeting her husband. These days, Linda is focused on family and business, supporting her two children and husband by keeping the household running smoothly, and managing her own thriving business. Linda usually puts others’ needs ahead of hers, even when met with frustration for the lack of return. She is the kind of wife, mother and friend who is unwaveringly dependable.
Linda started life in Colorado, as part of a family of five, and was involved in extracurriculars that included soccer, skiing and volunteering at the Denver Zoo. Linda’s most treasured possession is her passport; she has used it to travel to Costa Rica, Central and South America with the Peace Corps, a semester abroad in Japan, and spent some time working in Mexico. Linda’s desire in this next phase of life is to travel and have even more adventures. One thing she has learned over the years is to keep pushing herself out of her comfort zone.
Be on time,
Do on to others as you want them to do to you.
Be adventurous
Find a solution
“It will all get done”