“Being over 60 I still feel beautiful and sexy. I am wiser and kinder. Aging gracefully yet staying young in spirit. It is a gift – not anything to fear!”

Kym is a kind person who loves deeply. Coordinated, smart, and a hard worker, she believes in treating others the way she would want to be treated. She enjoys flowers and gardening, and is grateful for every day.
Kym has found her attitude is what makes her the most confident. In previous years she did a lot of public speaking and worked in the corporate world, but found that to be a bit stifling because she couldn’t truly be herself. Kym has a unique and glamorous sense of style and enjoys being surrounded by beautiful things that bring joy into her life. A rock and roll girl, she really likes to have fun with her style.
Spending time with the ones she loves is top priority. “I’ve lost so many cherished loved ones that my ambition lies with those I care about the most.”
Kymberley is proud of her long-fought and hard-earned ability to trust herself. She has overcome childhood trauma to blossom and grow to become the woman she was meant to be. She finds one of the rewarding things about getting older is gaining strength and wisdom. And grandbabies.
Kym’s advice to her younger self: “This too shall pass. And pick your battles. Do you want to be right, or happy?”
Kym now: “I take good care of myself. My outside is still important but no longer defines my beauty. My inside is much prettier!!”