“My perception of beauty hasn’t changed much over time. I still love to see women dressed to the nines without having to throw out their body parts to attract others.”

Behind a winning smile, a giving heart of gold, and a steadfast focus on her family is a Nakoa, a warrior of a woman. Besides it being her maiden name, Michelle has been a warrior the majority of her life, doing what it took to fight for the best life for her family, then battling through a diagnosis at the age of 35, of both breast and thyroid cancers. She knew as the glue of her family, she had no choice but to be strong for them, as they were and are her world. That strength to beat cancer and become a survivor has rewarded her with time with her two granddaughters, two grandsons, as well as more memories with her two children and husband, Corey, who has been her rock, confidant, and constant since she was 15 years old. She has checked off New York City, Madrid, Paris, Rome, and Italy as places she has explored. Michelle is proud to provide the best for her family possible, by being a first time homeowner in Oregon, and devoting her life to her children.
During her childhood years Michelle was a tomboy, while her loving mother wanted to also introduce her to the world of heels and make up. In doing this, it guided Michelle to modeling during her years in high school, while living in Maui. This ignited her love of seeing women dressed to the nines, in a classy manner, to attract others and show off their firstmost inner beauty, as well as their outer beauty. Beyond high school, Michelle completed many classes in the area of Business Administration and has provided top notch customer service during her career, being awarded an Employee of the Month award. Even though no doubt, her husband Corey is the light, love, and nucleus of her life, Michelle’s advice to her 20-something self would be to complete a college degree and travel the world before marriage.
Her outlook first thing each morning is an affirmation of ‘I’m here and ready to take on the world.’ She is “firm, bold and a fierce wrecking crew of one.”
‘Life is what you make of it, so make it a memory to remember.’ -Michelle M.