“Attractive is for me, not for anyone else. Looking professional is BS. Looking attractive means no makeup, my hair might be a little messy, and I don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks.”

After 15 years of school, finishing a Doctorate and 27 different jobs (ranging from a diving and gymnastics coach, to various others including claims adjuster, first grade teacher, and spending 5 years running a bison ranch), Christine is now doing a work of passion, by helping deconstruct implicit biases and helping unlearn them through a lens of equity. She lives daily in the words of ‘Pure communication for the greater good,’ which is her company’s motto. Christine helps people listen to one another and hear beyond the words someone has to say. She sees herself as a living oxymoron; an easygoing perfectionist and an overachieving couch potato, but at the end of the day, she lives as her genuine self. Christine’s biggest fan, her mother (someone whose life she saved through CPR during a heart attack), taught her to live as authentically as possible. Her other biggest fan and trusted confidant in life is her hubby, she has found a more holistic and purposeful life with him in it.
For Christine, there has been so much liberation and freedom in life past the age of 50 by only caring what she thinks of herself and not caring about others’ opinions of her – letting go of all the BS. She is grateful for the trials, tribulations, and demons she had to encounter all throughout life, as they have conditioned her to be a much stronger and compassionate person than she was earlier in life. Being at the end of the Boomer era, Christine feels that the ‘greed is good’ phase has squandered resources and reinforced a culture of consumption, resulting in her feeling the justification for other generations to have the opinion that her generation screwed up. She spends each day doing better and making the world a more compassionate place by being the connecting bridge between cultures, ages, genders and abilities, and shining a light on the dark sides of their biases and prejudices, for a better understanding of the world for all.
“Getting older means I care less about what other people think and more about my values, integrity, and vision for the future. I’m getting more confident every day. Especially when I stand up against injustice and things change… in small and big ways.”
“Perhaps a measure of equity is the absence of fear”. ~ Meme S.