A Partial List of Rebellious Women

Over 50 - A Collective of (Extra)ordinary Women


In 2021, Rachel Hadiashar set out to photograph 50 women age 50 and older. Recognizing the impact women have on the structure of our communities – and the level of experience and self-knowledge we gain as we age, Rachel combined studio portraits and interviews to format a snapshot of 50 different women intended for a village-level community audience. The project blossomed into a larger body of work. Rachel found herself photographing 100+ women in the Portland Metro area over two years with participants’ ages representing more than 6,000 years of lived experience and wisdom. A glimpse into the theme of aging and beauty emerged, providing a breathtaking opportunity to see women as women see themselves, claiming and re-claiming confidence and power. 


If you would like to be photographed in the studio, please contact Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

Lori Watkins at 56

Lori Watkins, 56

Lori Watkins was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 56 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at Zing Studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

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“I no longer want to waste time on people, plans, or projects that are not enjoyable and/or fulfilling in some way.” Oregon Photographer Rachel Hadiashar interviewed and photographed Lorraine Williams in Portland in 2021 at the age of 61.

Lorraine Leslie, 61

“I no longer want to waste time on people, plans, or projects that are not enjoyable and/or fulfilling in some way.” Strong, independent, and resourceful, Lorraine has a variety of interests and skills across all aspects of her life. An expert in computer software and business, her day-to-day life at...

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“‘The expert at anything was once a beginner.’ I use this a lot with my children who get upset when they aren't perfect the first time out and want to give up.” Oregon Photographer Rachel Hadiashar interviewed and photographed Cathy Ricketts in Portland in 2021 at age 50.

Cathy Ricketts, 50

“‘The expert at anything was once a beginner.’ I use this a lot with my children who get upset when they aren’t perfect the first time out and want to give up.” Living her life dedicated to compassion, faith, and love, Cathy is passionate about Jesus, her children, and those...

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Vicki Farace was photographed in 2021 at the age of 56 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Portland Oregon. “Oh, there's one more thing that's great… not giving a damn about trying to impress anyone and being ok in your skin.”

Vicki Farace, 56

“Growing up in the 70’s-80’s, I used to think that I had to have the perfect face and big hair. I would never think of going anywhere without looking just right. Now, I think the less makeup the better. Embrace your natural look!” “Oh, there’s one more thing that’s great…...

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Robyn Beisell was photographed and interviewed in 2021 at the age of 64. “Kill your inner critic. She's wrong about everything.”

Robyn Beisell, 64

“I do not support society’s narrow definition of physical beauty. Personality, passion, experience, heartfelt conversation, interaction with the world, integrity, personal ethics, humor, and individual gifts combine to create interesting people. I find that complexity fascinating and attractive.” “I would love for society and all media to portray older people...

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“It is what it is! The Universe has a plan! In other words, stop wasting your time over worry and fret. Do what you can do, and leave the rest to whatever will be." Robin Carnese was photographed at age 50 in 2021.

Robin Carnese, 50

“It is what it is! The Universe has a plan! In other words, stop wasting your time over worry and fret. Do what you can do, and leave the rest to whatever will be.” Robin is an incredibly resilient woman of 50 who has overcome so many obstacles and heartbreak...

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Shauna O’Neil at age 50

Shauna O’Neil, 50

“I don’t need to please others. I just need to do what is right and speak my truth with kindness.” “I strive to find peace and joy no matter where I am. And when I stop feeling those things, I move on.” Dedicated to her children, faith, and community, Shauna...

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“Beauty emerges from how I love and care for myself from the inside out. I can see that in other people and it shows in how they move through the world, how they inhabit their skin.” Chris Caldwell was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 56 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Chris Caldwell, 56

“Beauty emerges from how I love and care for myself from the inside out. I can see that in other people and it shows in how they move through the world, how they inhabit their skin.” Chris Caldwell was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 56 by...

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“I've learned that attractiveness is a quality that shines through one's essence; it's far beyond skin deep. I've learned that attractiveness is something one feels, not something one visually sees.” Brenda Morgan was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 65 by Oregon Portrait Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Brenda Morgan, 65

“I've learned that attractiveness is a quality that shines through one's essence; it's far beyond skin deep. I've learned that attractiveness is something one feels, not something one visually sees.” Brenda Morgan was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 65 by Oregon Portrait Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at...

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“Now I've learned to accept my wrinkles as a road map of life.” Margaret Auffert was photographed in 2022 at the age of 59, in Portland by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

Margaret Auffert, 59

“Now I’ve learned to accept my wrinkles as a road map of life.” Margaret hopes the world views her as beautiful both inside and out, with a heart and actions of honesty. She perceives the outward wrinkles acquired with time to be a roadmap of her life. While she believes...

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“Absolutely my perception of attractiveness has shifted. Attractiveness is not a physical characteristic, it's an energy that someone emanates. It has a magnetic quality and it causes you to want to lean toward that person, lean in, listen deeper, see clearer, understand more thoroughly. It's all encompassing versus one tangible characteristic.” Michelle Rios was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 55 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Michelle Rios, 55

“Absolutely my perception of attractiveness has shifted. Attractiveness is not a physical characteristic, it's an energy that someone emanates. It has a magnetic quality and it causes you to want to lean toward that person, lean in, listen deeper, see clearer, understand more thoroughly. It's all encompassing versus one tangible...

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“Whatever you do, do it fully. With your whole being - live fully, love with your whole heart. Don't hold some back, or you'll be watching your life instead of living it.” Sari Peterson, 59 as interviewed by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in 2021 in Portland Oregon.

Sari Peterson, 59

“Whatever you do, do it fully. With your whole being – live fully, love with your whole heart. Don’t hold some back, or you’ll be watching your life instead of living it.” “I have learned how to be content without becoming stagnant.” “I’m also passionate about our Earth. Not only...

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Stephanie Parish at age 50

Stephanie Parish, 50

“I was taught that I needed to look a specific way or wear makeup or fit in with societal beauty types. I went from sneaking makeup and putting it on at my friends house before school (took A LOT of work!) to finding college life had no place for that...

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Danette Buchanan at age 64

Danette Buchanan, 64

“Advanced age has brought out the beauty I didn’t recognize when I was younger.” ‘Freedom to truly be yourself. Watching your ancestry come alive in real-time through your children, grandchildren, and greats. Realizing that now you are the matriarch and you carry the mantle with pride!’ For Danette, those are...

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“Attractive is for me, not for anyone else. Looking professional is BS. Looking attractive means no makeup, my hair might be a little messy, and I don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.” Christine Moses was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 60 by Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Christine Moses, 60

“Attractive is for me, not for anyone else. Looking professional is BS. Looking attractive means no makeup, my hair might be a little messy, and I don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.” Christine Moses was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 60 by Rachel...

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Oregon Photographer Rachel Hadiashar photographed and interviewed Nicole Corbin Lawson in 2021 at the age of 52 at the studio in Portland, OR.

Nicole Corbin Lawson, 52

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” A lover of supporting and caring for others, Nicole aims to help people live full and beautiful lives. Described as loving, loyal, and enthusiastic, Nicole works to make Oregon a place where people with substance use and gambling disorders...

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Renee Brouse at 52

Renee Brouse, 52

“Attractiveness is not so much about the outside it is more the character of an individual, the kindness that is displayed. The laughter. There are some outwardly beautiful people who are mean, nasty and unkind.” Renee Brouse was photographed in 2022 at the age of 52 by Rachel Hadiashar in...

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“I mean, anything goes, really. Remember that old adage, you can't judge a book by its cover? It's so very very true. I don't let myself fall into that trap anymore... You never really know what's lurking below the surface until you take the time to jump in and find out. I find myself jumping in consistently now and most of the time, I don't regret it!” Marcia Lovell was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 58 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Marcia Lovell, 58

“I mean, anything goes, really. Remember that old adage, you can't judge a book by its cover? It's so very very true. I don't let myself fall into that trap anymore... You never really know what's lurking below the surface until you take the time to jump in and find...

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“We can look at the time that we have as chapters, and it’s our choice what to title them.” -Sharon Pollin, 62

Sharon Pollin, 62

“We can look at the time that we have as chapters, and it’s our choice what to title them.” An incredible listener, people confide in Sharon and admire her heart. She loves spending time with her family and friends and enjoys being a “good, deep friend” to those around her....

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“I’m 71 and rocking and rolling.” Patti Liljestrom was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 71 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Patti Liljestrom, 71

“I’m 71 and rocking and rolling.” Patti Liljestrom was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 71 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

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Loyal, compassionate, and kind, Julia Alicia loves spending time with her family and friends, as well as making a difference in her community. She believes in living life to the fullest, loving passionately, and that one should always keep laughing. Throughout her life, she has found wisdom in the ability to not worry about gaining the validation of others and instead has focused on her accomplishments and demonstrating to her children that anything is possible.

Julia Alicia Galicia, 54

Julia Alicia Galicia believes in living life to the fullest, loving passionately, and that one should always keep laughing. Julia Alicia was photographed in 2022 at the age of 54 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the Sherwood Portrait Studio.

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Photographer Rachel Hadiashar photographed and interviewed Sarah Jesudason in 2021 at the age of 50.

Sarah Jesudason, 50

“I used to be an absolute zinger on self-deprecating comments. I claimed it as self defense; if I said the bad things about myself, they were already out there before anyone else could say them. I thought I was delivering these comments with wit, and that would balance out the...

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“Don’t waste life. Don’t put things off. Enjoy every minute that you can. Make the best of whatever comes.” Oregon Photographer Rachel Hadiashar photographed and interviewed Jerry Corbin in 2021, at the age of 92 at the studio in Portland, Oregon.

Jerry Corbin, 92

“When you’re old, you still have the same feelings that you had when you were young. Family just means so much. Memories mean a lot.” “Don’t waste life. Don’t put things off. Enjoy every minute that you can. Make the best of whatever comes.” According to her granddaughter Nicole, Jerry...

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“A happy person brings joy to those around them. A smile is the most attractive trait available to each and every person.” Debbie Johnson was photographed in 2022 at the age of 63 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in Sherwood, Oregon.

Debbie Johnson, 63

“A happy person brings joy to those around them. A smile is the most attractive trait available to each and every person.” Debbie Johnson was photographed in 2022 at the age of 63 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in Sherwood, Oregon.

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“What matters cannot be measured in dollars. It should be measured in the people we love, the friends we nurture and the way we treat strangers.” Wendy Harris was photographed in 2022 at the age of 64 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Wendy Harris, 64

“What matters cannot be measured in dollars. It should be measured in the people we love, the friends we nurture and the way we treat strangers.” Wendy Harris was photographed in 2022 at the age of 64 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

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“Mistakes make us better. There are very few wrong decisions in life, just alternatives: choose your own adventure.” Stephanie Nicolai was photographed and interviewed in 2021 at the age of 54 at the studio in Portland, Oregon.

Stephanie Nicolai, 54

“Mistakes make us better. There are very few wrong decisions in life, just alternatives: choose your own adventure.” Goofy, open, and huggable, Stephanie believes in the essential good in all people. She is fiercely trusting and loyal, loves good food, and loves time with her family. She enjoys being out...

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Margaret Smith was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 50 by Rachel Hadiashar in Sherwood, Oregon.

Margaret Smith, 50

Margaret Smith was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 50 by Rachel Hadiashar in Sherwood, Oregon.

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“Wisdom is attractive, sexy, beautiful!” Diane Solomon was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 62 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

Diane Solomon, 62

“Wisdom is attractive, sexy, beautiful!” Diane Solomon was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 62 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

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Sherri Beach at age 57

Sherri Beach, 57

‘True peace is possible within ourselves. All decisions are made out of love or fear. Choose love.’ Sherri’s most cherished possession is her soul’s happiness and purpose. She has become literate in this life lesson along the path of life, with the great achievement of continual enlightenment and awareness. Sherri...

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“Attractive is put together, confident, and open to new experiences.” Carol Gunn was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at age 63 at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

Carol Gunn, 63

“Attractive is put together, confident, and open to new experiences.” Carol Gunn was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at age 63 at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

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“I don't have to look like anyone's idea of beauty anymore. I like what I see in the mirror. Even if I do have blinders on about some of myself.” Michelle Mackey was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 51 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Michelle Mackey, 51

“I don't have to look like anyone's idea of beauty anymore. I like what I see in the mirror. Even if I do have blinders on about some of myself.” Michelle Mackey was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 51 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio...

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“I’ve spent 50 years getting really comfortable in this body!” Robyn Knox was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 51 by Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Robyn Knox, 51

“I’ve spent 50 years getting really comfortable in this body!” Robyn Knox was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 51 by Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

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"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept."  Mary Lopez was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 61 by Sherwood Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio n Sherwood, OR.

Mary Lopez, 61

"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept."  Mary Lopez was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 61 by Sherwood Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio n Sherwood, OR.

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Linda Cahan was photographed in 2022 at the age of 73 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Linda Cahan, 73

Linda Cahan was photographed in 2022 at the age of 73 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

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“I now believe attractiveness is so much more than what's on the outside. It's the confidence and love for others on the inside that is much more attractive.” Anastasia Lipske was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 61 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Anastasia Lipske, 61

“I now believe attractiveness is so much more than what's on the outside. It's the confidence and love for others on the inside that is much more attractive.” Anastasia Lipske was photographed and interviewed in 2022 at the age of 61 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the studio in Sherwood,...

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“My perception of beauty hasn't changed much over time. I still love to see women dressed to the nines without having to throw out their body parts to attract others.” Michelle Nakoa Medeiros was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 53 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in the Sherwood, Oregon portrait studio.

Michelle Nakoa Medeiros, 53

“My perception of beauty hasn't changed much over time. I still love to see women dressed to the nines without having to throw out their body parts to attract others.” Michelle Nakoa Medeiros was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 53 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in the...

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Margaret Hill at age 60

Margaret Hill, 60

“Be kind, do good, we’ve got this.” Margaret loves volunteering, lifelong learning, and supporting communities and organizations that do good for the world. Passionate about international exchange, she and her husband have hosted ten international exchange high school students since 2006. Described as kind, big-hearted, and inspiring, she has dedicated...

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“Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.” Robyn Bilyeu was photographed in 2021 at age 56 by Rachel Hadiashar in Portland, Oregon.

Robyn Bilyeu, 56

“I’m a hard hat wearing, brain tumor survivor who wants to show others that it’s possible to thrive after trauma and after 50.” Empathetic, intuitive, and courageous are a few words that describe Robyn. After finding out she had a brain tumor at 50 years old, she had to manage...

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“Have a passion. I don’t care what it is, just have a passion. It will save you.” Oregon Photographer Rachel Hadiashar interviewed Joy Shenk in 2021 at the age of 88 at the studio in Portland, Oregon.

Joy Shenk, 88

Loyal, positive, and energetic, Joy finds great happiness in the blessings she has received throughout her life. Joy loves being around people and enjoys caring for those around her. Those who know Joy admire her for her compassion, energy, and passion. Outspoken, you always know where you stand with Joy....

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“Being over 60 I still feel beautiful and sexy. I am wiser and kinder. Aging gracefully yet staying young in spirit.  It is a gift - not anything to fear!” Kymberley Calder was photographed and interviewed in 2021 at the age of 61.

Kymberley Calder, 61

“Being over 60 I still feel beautiful and sexy. I am wiser and kinder. Aging gracefully yet staying young in spirit. It is a gift – not anything to fear!” Kym is a kind person who loves deeply. Coordinated, smart, and a hard worker, she believes in treating others the...

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“I fall in love with people's brains - to me, that's where to find beauty. As I’ve gotten older, I value intellect and perspectives. I rarely make a life decision or business decision without first bouncing it off of a few loved ones.” Dawn Tyree

Dawn Tyree, 50

Using her voice and story to change legislation and influence social change, Dawn speaks out for causes dear to her. She believes in fighting for what is right – she is a human rights activist fighting to end child marriage in the United States and ensure equal rights for adults...

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Photographer Rachel Hadiashar photographed and interviewed Angela Braxton-Johnson in 2021

Angela Braxton-Johnson, 54

“I would love to show that women over 50 can be bold, beautiful and sexy at any size; that they can reinvent, rebuild and rebrand – basically start over in their careers and be successful, even more successful than they were when they were younger! That we are living our...

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Laura Bellamy at age 60

Laura Bellomy, 60

“A woman truly is in her prime when she’s over 50 and drops the weight of other people’s expectations.” Laura follows her guiding philosophy of “walk purposely; carry a magic wand, and make things happen,” allowing herself to follow her curiosity throughout life. Described as smart, strong, and loyal, she...

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“I feel like I have always been attracted to people by their character first and not outward appearance. I think the most attractive people are the ones who can make you laugh, see the positive side and have a passion for something.” Jenn Barker was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 57 by Rachel Hadiashar at the Sherwood Oregon portrait studio.

Jenn Barker, 57

“I feel like I have always been attracted to people by their character first and not outward appearance. I think the most attractive people are the ones who can make you laugh, see the positive side and have a passion for something.” Jenn Barker was interviewed and photographed in 2022...

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Wendy Marvin at age 55

Wendy Marvin, 55

"You are made of stardust and the world is your playground." Wendy Marvin in 2022 at the age of 55, interviewed and photographed by Portland Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.

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“Yes, beauty comes from within, it makes a person beautiful on the outside. Attractive is a person with kind eyes, wrinkles, laugh lines, who is fun, good, quirky, dry, and a sense of humor - who can laugh at themselves.” Leea Voetberg was photographed in 2022 at the age of 63 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar at the portrait studio in Sherwood, Oregon.

Leea Voetberg, 63

“Yes, beauty comes from within, it makes a person beautiful on the outside. Attractive is a person with kind eyes, wrinkles, laugh lines, who is fun, good, quirky, dry, and a sense of humor - who can laugh at themselves.” Leea Voetberg was photographed in 2022 at the age of...

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Susan Trezise at age 66

Susan Trezise, 66

‘Every single person is dealing with something at some time. You can’t avoid the tragedies of life. And many, many have a much heavier load in life. So be kind. Be helpful.’ Susan is described by others as kind, compassionate and fun loving. She has a deep-seated inclination to be...

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“Attractive now is personality and trustfulness.” Marlene Kendrick was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 64 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in the Sherwood Oregon portrait studio.

Marlene Kendrick, 64

“Attractive now is personality and trustfulness.” Marlene Kendrick was interviewed and photographed in 2022 at the age of 64 by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar in the Sherwood Oregon portrait studio.

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“Life is so fragile- live with no regrets!” Sue Dixon, 60. As interviewed by Photographer Rachel Hadiashar

Sue Dixon, 60

“Life is so fragile- live with no regrets!” “I was thrilled about participating in this project, though the photo session came shortly after the death of my mom, which now looking at many of my photos I can see the grief in my face, and especially in my eyes.   Her death...

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In 2021 and 2022, Photographer Rachel Hadiashar interviewed and photographed one hundred women over the age of fifty.

The total years of collective experience for the 2021 Cohort equals 2,934.

2955 is the collective number of years of wisdom photographed in 2022 for the purpose of this project.

(Data set for ages was collected based on subject’s age on the day of the portrait sitting.)

Photographer Rachel Hadiashar met with each woman several times to interview and then photograph each person. The resulting set of images are of women in the Portland-ish area, with the only common denominator that they are age 50 or better. These well-seasoned women showed us all a glimpse into their (extra)ordinary lives.


If you would like to be photographed in the studio, please contact Photographer Rachel Hadiashar.